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Gods General Volume 3 - Redemption Store

Gods General Volume 3

  • SKU: DVD-RL-06
  • Availability:Out of stock
  • Vendor: Roberts Liardon
  • Product Type: DVD
  • Barcode: 630809689153

Welsh revivalist Evan Roberts was a spiritual leader during a time when his nation was experiencing powerful waves of God's convicting Spirit. Eventually Roberts laid down this leadership position and moved into the ministry of intercession. What caused him to make this ministry change? The answer can be found in a close-up look at the life of this man of God. [/custom_html]

Welsh revivalist Evan Roberts was a spiritual leader during a time when his nation was experiencing powerful waves of God's convicting Spirit. Eventually Roberts laid down this leadership position and moved into the ministry of intercession. What caused him to make this ministry change? The answer can be found in a close-up look at the life of this man of God.

Additional Information
Color: Blue, Purple, White
Size: 20, 24
Material: 100% Polyester

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